Global Chem is as an open source government focused on transforming common chemical names into 1-D molecule representations, facilitating universal recording and governance. Join us in shaping a future of open, accessible, and collaborative chemical data management, unlocking the full potential of global chemical knowledge.
We are creating a shared resource of common chemical names that anyone can understand, while also keeping track of their safety for everyday use. By working together as an open source community and utilizing the right tools, we can make informed decisions that benefit everyone.
Our Community is a Collection of People who have dedicated their free time and expertise in their field to the project.
We are an ever evolving community and our active needs change based on what activities are going on. To find out where you might fit into contributing or helping, please navigate our open roles.
Expand our ReactApp Collection for Cheminformatics Tools based on NodeJS, Python, and Github Actions REST.
Oversee Front-End Engineering Architecture and Generalizing ReactApp Production.
CYPHER Query API with Neo4J and intereopability with other Knowledge Graphs such as RDFs, OWL, and OBO data structures.
Expanding GitHub action pipelines and work with the Bot and Front-End Engineers. Budget control and performance of workflows.
Machine learning bot interactions with user commands. Expand LLM technology into bots for efficient user interaction.
Work on Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks model for accuracy, efficiency for validation and generative AI.
Design lists of functional groups for different sub-communities to expand generative AI capabilities
Analyze instrument data for characterizing different molecular compounds.
Research analysis and machine learning tools for analyzing different SMILES to gain a variety of information. Select useful connections to expand front-end and bot technology
Map useful connections between chemical compositions to phenology of different plant species.
Expand pipeline robustness built with Github Actions, Python Nose, and Pytest for testing and integrate compliance standards into software.
Ensure software meets 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance according to the US FDA Guidelines. Build Technical documentation for other government agencies both US and Global. Ensure instrumentation documented is compliant with WHO standards on characterization of molecules
If you are curious about our software or have any questions, feel free to contact us!